Monday, 10 March 2014

Oh bother.... Throne of Glass, Crown Of Midnight... A Review.

Kindles, my friends are devious little blighters. Them and their tricksy ways.
 "Oooo" says Kindle "I'm sleek and thin, I save space, you can buy books and not have to worry about shelf space." What Kindle doesn't say is what it says behind your back, rubbing its hands with malicious glee. "Muhahahaha, gullible human. They shall now buy ALL the books because I, master schemer, plotter, and genius extraordinaire that I am,will bamboozle them, ensare them and entice them. 99p books a plenty, hmm a series you say... Lets make the first one free... AND CHARGE FOR THE REST, ALL 7 OF THEM! We'll let them try samples, and not just short snippets, 3 long chapters, so much to entice them in so that they unthinkingly hit my gorgeous orange 'Buy Now with One Click" Button, as they will be by this point emotionally invested in the characters! Oh! How I shall line the pockets of Amazon! How I shall suck them into worlds they would otherwise never have encountered! And the hopeless sod will still find themselves in Waterstones, at the till with 3 books they didn't mean to buy...Ooooo I'm gloriously devious and yet, the human still loves my shiny brightness, even as their bank account cries "No! No More! You must eat! Pay your rent, wash your clothes!" But No! I am crafty! I shall dangle the book deal of the century in front of them and they shall scamper after it. FOOLS!"

See how malevolent the Kindle is? How Amazon have pulled off a Coup de Grâce like this I shall never know, but I salute you. You and your fiendishly addictive books.

It was by just such a manipulation, wrought by my ever mischievous Kindle, that I discovered Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series.

Oh dear. Blog Fans this series has a serious problem.

Heir of Fire isn't out 'til September and now I have to waaait! Waaaaaah!

On the Upside the collection of prequel Novellas will be landing on my Kindle on Thursday :) Woooo more sabre sharp wit.

I tell you my Kindle is truly a conniving so and so.

I have however read the first 2 books. Which I could not put down. I killed my Kindle's battery supply, I started reading it on the app on my iPhone that too ran out of power (I should probably point out that they neither had much left in them to start with), I ignored The Brown to read this book, I was almost late to church because I was trying to read it and do my make up at the same time. (I wouldn't recommend it, its not worth stabbing your eye with mascara, NOTHING IS!), I came back from church and devoured the second in one afternoon. With a total reading time of maybe 6 hours for both books I emerged from my room emotionally beaten and ready to battle. The world of Celaena Sardothien is totally absorbing, mysterious, dangerous, filled with beautiful clothes, sharp pointy objects and banter so witty it hurts.
This is fantasy so good it poses actual danger to your health.

Celaena Sardothien is the deadliest assassin in the world. She's also in Prison, forced to labour in a salt mine after having been caught after falling into a trap.
However her life is about to change, forced to compete in a contest to become the king's champion , to officially hold the title of Adarlan's Assassin. Faced with the choice of compete and have the chance to win your freedom or stay here and die, Celaena unsurprisingly, goes to the capital Rifthold to compete.  Full of intrigue mind bendingly complex relationships, conspiracy, double dealing, and a good dose of not so dead as everyone thought, mythology and magic.
The Friendship between Celaena and her friend Nehemia (Mia as in the short form of Amelia, not the biblical prophet Nehemiah) the first one she can remember having for a long time, is beautiful and strong and spends more time discussing things like saving 1000s of slave workers in prisons just like the one Celaena was in because unlike Calaena most of them are the innocent victims of a war waged across the continent by the tyrannical king of Adarlan, a man Celaena hates, the man she is competing to serve.
A man, that to save herself, the other oppressed kingdoms and her friends she must defy. It makes amazing reading. One review I read said it was Cinderella crossed with The Hunger Games, No. This is so much more than that. The second book is even better than the first, if not tenser, pacier, steamier - yes there's a love interest in both books,but as with everything with Celaena nothing is straightforward, now where was I? Ah Steamier, more mysterious and twistier. And leaves you gagging for the next book. Trust no-one and whatever you do, do not upset Celaena!
So Please Ms. Maas

So far a 4 star effort keep up the standard to the end and it might become a five.

Now I have to go read the other book my sneaky Kindle conned me into downloading.

Beth x

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