Yeah, more books on the books to be read list.

LOOK AT IT! And these are only the ones I have with me a) at uni b) in physical form. My kindle is also stocked sky high with reading material.
It's with this in mind, that and the sheer lack of space I have come to this conclusion. I can only read one off stand alone books.
I am a habitual reader of series. Trilogies being the worst offenders... they're so sneaky and look so darn good in boxed sets... and we shan't even begin to talk about my Mortal Instruments problem, (rages about film adaptations), as such I have said "No More!" One offs only! No commitment required and much easier to review and you get less attached to fictional characters.
This is at least is what I'm telling myself. Also my unread books pile consists mainly of one offs discounting the two books in German which are part of a series, that which were they in English I would have destroyed in an afternoon... ahh linguistic laziness. So I am going to finish my Divergent series review and then start these. Also the following composite is of some of those on my kindle that are as yet unread. I'll start with The Book Thief, I think. After I've finished doing battle with The Atopia Chronicles.
Beth xx
I went home here's just one of the book piles. This isn't counting the German language titles:
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